Amber Wakem
Amber has been hard at work, since the day I met her, to make an impact. Now 7 years later she looks back and reflects on the lessons learned, the work ahead, and the growing need for entrepreneurial programming for kids, starting early! Enjoy this show and then get a Teacher’s perspective. Does your hometown offer these type of programs? Let us know!
After over a decade of teaching in the classroom and several years working as a public school administrator, presenter Amber Wakem shifted her focus to building quality, equitable out-of-school time programming for students and their families. Now with over six years in nonprofit leadership under her belt, Wakem has taken to sharing the wealth of knowledge she's acquired over the years and has presented at several conferences in Central Texas and Rice University. She currently sits on several boards with her favorite being the Wimberley ISD District Innovation and Improvement Committee, where she gets to use her expertise as a partner of the district to strategically enhance community outcomes.